We were lucky enough to be able to jump a TGV to Strasbourg a few days after visiting Austria, so we added France to our quickly growing list of countries. The day was slightly rainy but not uncomfortable as we walked throughout the historic downtown. The entire old city is designated as a World UNESCO Heritage Site and we felt lucky to see it. We wandered through streets and streets of picturesque storefronts, marveling at the copious bakeries. We soon found ourselves at the lovely Palais Rohan behind the most famous cathedral of Strasbourg. The palace is a large structure that can be seen in an aerial photograph here . I only got the back portion of the building, which is what you see once you go through the entrance gates into the courtyard. There were four or five museums in the palace which we gained access to by purchasing a day pass (for about 10 euro). We walked a very interesting archaeological exhibit dealing ...
A blog for aspiring travelers, detailing our adventures around the globe.