Unfortunately I did not bring my camera (in my defense, I thought we were merely going futon shopping). The pictures with the better color are courtesy of Mari's brand-new iphone - which she proudly shows off every day at my desk - and the ones with no color are what passes for a photo from our pathetic cell phone. This taught me why Japanese people carry their cameras all the time: their country is one big land of cute, and everywhere you go there is a photo opportunity. NEVER, EVER leave your camera behind!

I don't have any pictures of the caucus race because it would have photographed terribly. It was set up with a giant ring of lights, around which were placed various animals (mostly birds). I remember penguins, dodos, pelicans, and ducks. Like the Cheshire Cat, the lights flashed alternately, making it look like the animals were quickly running around the lighted track. It was an interesting effect, one that I didn't understand until I was quite far away. Then I looked back and said, "Oh! The caucus race!" To which Matt answered, "uh, yeah." To me, it's like a Monet; I can't see the image until I have some distance.

To the right is the cutest depiction of the hedgehogs - harinezumi - I can imagine. Matt: "Were there hedgehogs?" Me: "Yes! They were the croquet balls!" To the left is the rose tree... some are white and some are red.

Here's another view of the tower and giant Alice, as taken by Mari. The green lights at the bottom of the picture are on bushes, creating a maze leading to the castle, amidst signs proclaiming things like "Who is mad?" and "This is the way!" pointing to dead ends.

The final picture is of Ichinomiya Tower, rising out of the bedazzled landscape. This Mari took from the aforementioned red castle. It was a beautiful view, and I have to say, even the great iphone doesn't do it any kind of justice.
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