The first sign here is the easier of the two, by far. It's for a beauty salon, which is evident with the word "beauty" if you couldn't tell by "pur" (pure). "Norika" is the name of the person who owns the salon. "C'est vous pour être le plus jolie" literally means something like "it is you for to be the most beautiful." I think what they want to get across is that it is up to you to be the most beautiful you can be, and if you desire to be the most beautiful you can be, the choice is clear: go to this salon.
On dit, seulement ceux qui ont la motivation, peut obtenir une chance.
It is said, only those who have the motivation, can obtain a chance.
C'est la meme maniere que l'amour. (Note: they forgot the accents on "même" and manière.")
It is the same manner that love.
Si vous croyez toujours la grande rencontre avec un garcon, dont l'histoire de Cendrillon de Pretty Woman surpasser n'est pas un reve. (Note: forgotten accents on "garçon" and "rêve.")
If you believe always the big meeting with a boy, whose history of Cinderella Pretty Woman surpass is not a dream. (I love the random English in this sentence.)
Pourqoui est-ce que vous ne preparez pas pour l'amour avec lingerie jolie et sexy?
Why is it that you don't prepare for love with pretty and sexy lingerie?
Et obtenons-le!!
And get it!! (Is what they're trying to say, anyway.)
My friend who speaks French said of the first sign: "C’est a vous pour etre la plus jolie,” is still a little weird but better than the original. Better still "C’est a vous – a vous voir (or “rendre”) plus jolie" – perhaps too direct, but at least it means something.