Here we are being a bunch of irreverent a-holes. We are surrounded by shrines and worshipers, and this is the group shot I happen to snap.
No, we couldn't stop being children: to the right, Krista's approximation of a decked-out American tourist. She stole Steve's cowboy hat for the photo, and insisted on getting out a few cameras. Sometimes there's just so much pressure to be the typical gaijin (foreigners) that we can't help it. It takes over!
Stairs are always sobering. Our sanity returned, we began this enormous climb. On the way up we met a very interesting Japanese man who led us to a wide view of Kyoto at the end of our hike (Kyoto skyline not pictured as it was unimpressive and very cloudy that day). For the latter third of our hike, the Japanese man chatted with Matt and took various pictures of us, which he promised to post on his photo website thing. So far, he hasn't. Interesting person to meet, in any case, although why he wants so many pictures of foreigners I really can't say.
One of my favorite worship sites of the afternoon.
I like the many fox guardians among the candles and incense.
Our silly group shot, taken by our Japanese guide.
We all look a little suspicious of the situation, or maybe we're just beat.
The gardens outside were also beautiful. It had been a very cold spring, so the blossoms on the trees did not want to open. Here, however, we got to see a bit more color and bloom. On the left is a pink ume tree (plum) and on the right is a white sakura tree (cherry).
After the temple, we were a bit hungry, so we split up (because Kyoto doesn't know the meaning of gluten-free). Matt and I walked up towards our next destination, the Kiyomizu dera, or pure water temple, in the hopes of finding some food I could eat. We found dessert, pictured to the left. Everything on that plate is made with rice flour! I ate green tea cake, yatsuhashi (hard cookies), jelly mochi, and yummy brown sugar azuki bean treats.
Kiyomizu dera was extremely beautiful even though the cherry blossoms that were supposed to be in full bloom had barely sprouted due to the cold. The night illumination is supposed to showcase the beauty of the blossoms, so while we didn't get that part, we did see many lanterns, a spectacular city view, and an incredible temple.
As we rushed to the station at the end of the day, feet throbbing from walking many mountains, cameras full of pictures of ancient sights I never thought I'd see, I snapped a picture of Kyoto tower. It looks a little like a bowling pin, but I like it. Kyoto is a city that is built out rather than up, so what is high is very very high.
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