On June 12th I took part in another dance concert. This one was more of a recital than a professional venture like last week's, which meant it was a little more relaxed. I did still have to go for crazy amounts of rehearsal and tech in one weekend, but at least it was only two days of crazy! I got to meet a lot of really interesting people from all corners of Gifu and Nagoya. I'm pictured to the left with my itty bitty fan club.
I danced in an improvisational workshop piece set by Haruna and Mikiko of Tokyo. They have an interesting company called KiriCollage, which you check out via the link (although it is mostly in Japanese). There's a lot of pictures and video on the site, understandable in any language. They are both very impressive movers and have spectacular improvisational flow together. I took two workshops with them back in April, and they came back to Gifu to set a workshop dance with the participants. I got to play around with lots of adults and kids while wearing brightly colored clothes... what's not to enjoy?
The crazy cast of characters I got to dance with. |
There was also a hip hop "team" from Nagoya. It was refreshing to see some authentic hip hop styles in Japan! Many of the boys were great poppers, lockers, whackers, and b-boys. Their improvisational skills lacked a bit, so it wasn't always as "fresh" as it could have been (as my teacher Larry would say), but they were good. And very friendly! I was co-opted into this group photo even though I am definitely not a hip hop dancer. A few of them spoke very good English, so I've made a few new friends!
One such new friend is Taiga, who sometimes goes by Michael (after Michael Jackson, who else?). He and I were partners in the finale dance, which was a fun nonsense dance of epic proportions. We danced with a another woman originally from America (of Latin descent, I think). So the two of us foreigners made a joke out of running everywhere after Michael, because neither of us fully comprehended the massively fast Japanese directions pouring out of Yuri. He's a good sport though, as the picture attests.
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