On October 16th, Matt and I worked our second English Concert. It was great fun, and yet another opportunity for us to engage with the community in a meaningful way. I was asked to choreograph another ballet, this time to "Think of Me," as part of the "Phantom of the Opera" skit. I also played Tinkerbell in "Peter Pan," which involved a lot of flitting around and setting off the magic wand at opportune (and inopportune) times. Matt made a star turn as the crocodile, then came back to play Monsieur Armand in "Phantom."
Here I am, pointing out Peter Pan's hideout to Captain Hook (who also played Peter Pan's shadow) and Smee. The wand, which I borrowed from one of the girls in the ballet, made a ridiculous musical sound when turned on. I made sure to flip it on whenever I wanted to motion with it, so it rang out with each move of my hand. Annoying? Potentially. Luckily, the skit (and my time in it) was short enough that it was only entertaining. I enjoyed working with the kids, and I also got a kick out of the fact that Tinkerbell was the biggest person onstage during the whole skit.
Matt's performance in "Phantom" was great to watch. He had amazing reaction faces aimed toward the kids and parents, so even though many people there didn't understand English well, they were able to enjoy the skit through the gestures and facial expressions. On the left, he's acting opposite Tomono, playing the role of Meg. On the right, he's opposite Mayumi, our friend and leader of the juku that puts on the concert. She's playing La Carlotta, the pompous opera star.
Above is a cute picture of the three girls who starred in the ballet. From L-R: Lily in pink, Mayumi's daughter and not officially a juku student; Ayano in blue, playing the role of Christine; Tomono in green. It was so much fun to work with them again (check out this post for last year's Nutcracker ballet). I enjoyed this year more than last year, because we all were more comfortable working together, and I was able to do a completely original ballet. I worked them hard, and they responded well, although they did tell Mayumi that they thought the ballet was difficult. Ultimately I thought they performed beautifully. If we stay another year, I can't wait to see what happens next year!
To Live in the Moment Without Fear is a work by Yuko Shinoda from Gifu, Japan. Danced by six women, the dance investigates what it means to be a part of a community threatened by a disaster that takes a life. Premiered June 5th 2011 in Nagoya, Japan, the dance features a strong movement aesthetic that draws from traditional Japanese dance as well as contemporary styles and contact improvisation. Shinoda's use of space and timing, as her dancers flow in-and-out of solos, duets, trios, and unison, creates a sense that the dancers are unified and alone at the same time. In the end, Shinoda's view of life is clear: we must tend to the fallen, but we must never surrender ourselves to fear while we are still alive.
We met Nik's girlfriend, Megumi, for an amazing lunch on the way to Roppongi Hills, where we met up with her friend Misa. Roppongi Hills is an incredibly upscale shopping district in Tokyo, even more upscale than the Ginza. I couldn't afford to look at the stores. We passed by a German-influenced illumination display, honoring 150 years of German-Japanese friendship. It was really beautiful and seemed traditional (I'm going to run it by my German friend to test its authenticity). In the first two pictures you can see Japanese people chowing down on dark lager and brats, as well as a lovely carved statue with figurines and candles that constantly turned on a podium. Misa was hungry so we got her a lunch snack, and when Matt saw a bagel place he succumbed to his Jewishness. Pictured is his bagel with cream cheese and lox, which he ate in the face of Christmas with Nik. Roppongi Hills also has many beautiful sculptures, including a giant spider of which I didn'...
Takeshima, at low tide. Every year, on the last day of July, a big fireworks festival is held in Gamagori, Japan. Fireworks are very big in Japan, with each major city priding itself on its particular display, and swearing up and down to anyone who will listen that their fireworks are the best in the nation. Gifu's displays were canceled this year because of the earthquake, so we took the opportunity to travel a little more than an hour by express train to Gamagori. It's a cute little town, not far from Okazaki, with a famous island that is entirely shrine space (seen in the picture to the right). It was a wonderful, if long, day. Four of us set out from Gifu and picked two more friends up on the way to the island. We arrived early, perhaps too early, but we did miss the worst of the afternoon sun as we wandered around the island. Even though I was very diligent about my SPF 50 sunblock, I still managed to get burned on both shoulders before the...
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